Calendar: 1970-1971 Page 364
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Page content
380 Register of Associates Burnett Rev John Burnham Richard sc eng Burrow Colin sc ph Burrow Norman sc eng Burtt Gerald Butler Anthony sc Butler Rev Cecil Butler Theophilus sc Cameron Donald sc Camp Miss Joan Carpenter The Venerable Archdeacon Edward ph Casserley Rev Langmead litt Cater Edward sc Cawte Lawrence Chandler Tony sc Chapman Rev Canon Clifford Τ th ph Checksfield Frederic Cheesman Jack sc Chessher Mrs Joan nie Verney-Boys μ α ph Child Reginald sc ph Chisholm Rev Ian Christopher Anthony Clark Rev David Α Clark Rev Canon Dudley Clark Rev Canon Reginald Clark Stephen sc Clarke Alan sc eng ph Clarke Rev Charles Clarke Clarke Rev Frederick Clarke John ll Clarke Peter ll Clarkson Gcof&ey Clayton Rev William Cleaver Rev John Cockain Graham ll Coggon Mrs nie Holland sc Cohen Victor Colgate Hugh Α Collins Alan sc ph Cook John sc ph Cook Wilham Α sc eng Cooke Hereward Cooper Sydney Β Copeland Christopher Corbett John Α Corker John Cornelius Donald Corrigan Harold Cowdry Right Rev Roy Cowen Rev Peter Cowper Rev Christopher Craig Miss Elma Craig Robert ll Cramp Leslie Crotch Walter Curnow Howard sc Cursetjee Manochjee sc enc Curtis Miss Jessie see Beattie Curtis Samuel Daines Rev John th Dakin Rev John Dams Rev John co DartnaU Miss ieeWhitehouse Darton Ruth Davenport Wilham Α Davey John Η ll Davies David sc ph Davies Herbert Davies Keith ll Davies Rodney ll Davies William sc Davis Russell sc Davis Rev Stephen Daw Maurice Dawe The Rev Roy Dawes Rev William Dawson Miss Clarice sc Day Ian ll Day Rev Michael Dearden Rev Philip de Brisay Rev Dexter John Dibden Edgar Η sc Dickinson Rev Frank Dickinson Rev Wilfrid Dickson Alexander Dinsmore Eric sc Dobson Mrs Catherine nie Nourse Docking Miss Eleanor Α ll Doe Rev William Dollar Archibald sc ph Doney Marcus Doran Rev Sidney Douglas Miss Joy see Gardner Drinkwater Rev Frank sc D'Silva Professor John ph sc Duell Mrs nie Belderson Duncan Rev Peter Dunford Miss Julia Eadie Rev Bruce Edwards Alan Edwards Bryan sc Edwards Rev Geoffrey Edwards Miss Gwendolen Α Eldridge Rev Francis Η Elkerton Rev Canon Henry Ellingham Ivan Ellis Mrs Irene nie Storer Elstone Rev John Ennor Kenneth sc Escott Miss Irene Evans Rev Christopher Evans Miss Lilias sc see Nicholls Evans Miss Muriel
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