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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-344

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

Academic Awards FACULTY OF EDUCATION Smethan Andrew James Phil Biron Anita Turner David Anthony Gidney Robert Douglas Academic Diploma in Education Brooks Holland Esmi Priscilla Racklyeft Janet Hill Beatrice Mary Reese Pierre Howard Llewellyn ones Brian Keith Graduate Certificate in Education Abbott Peta Dorrien Edwards David Noel Allen Jill Elcock Gillian Hazel Allt Gerald Evans Patricia Margaret Anderson Frances Mary Fairweather Adrian Michael Atkinson Mark William Fielder Sheila Margaret Barber Irene Annette Funnell Andrew John Barnes Acrise Hazel Gamble Marian Jane Beaumont Joan Margaret Gartshore Joan Margaret Bennett Barbara Cecily Geddes Caroline Anne Campbell Blewitt Paul Gerrish Jeanne Braham Ann Katharine Gilbert Susan Mary Brindley Jane Veronica Gray Donald Alexander Broughton Kenneth Howarth Gregory Susan Elizabeth Brown David Griffiths Pauline Elizabeth Brown Patricia Ann fOrunsell Angela Mary Candy Christine Margaret Guinness Elizabeth Dawn Cannell Brenda Joyce Halligan Nicholas Anderson Carton Jane Marie Hamilton Jennifer Anne Cawston Geoffrey William Hanchett Ruth Margaret Chalcraft Gillian Amy Harris David Best Clarke Gillian Hawes Christine Elizabeth Copeland Jennifer Anne Henderson Alison Leslie Cordell Janet Kathleen Hewitt Patricia Anne Cullum Christine Ruth Heywood Drusilla Ruth Davidge Alan Leonard Hill Carolyn Mary Davies Averil Horrocks Christine Janet Eaves John Wesley Howells Roger Daniel Edge Albert Vernon John Hubbuck George Clarence
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