Calendar: 1970-1971 Page 274
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286 Benefactions to Kings College Biker Laboratories Pharmacology department £500 towards the salary of Riker Fellow in the department for six months Rutherford High Energy Laboratory Physics department £9 450 towards research under the direction of Dr Burge Science Research Council Botany department £2 445 an amendment of the grant to Dr Gahan to provide the costs of technician and research assistant Biochemistry department £7 870 towards an investigation by Professor Arnstein into the biosynthesis of transfer ribonucleic acid Civil Engineering department an additional grant towards the appointment of research assistant in connection with an investigation being carried out by Dr Illston Chemistry department £2 635 towards an investigation directed by Professor Gold on the study of slow reactions Electrical Engineering department £1 285 towards Dr Bum's research into radiation damage ih single crystals and grant to cover the cost of research assistant until the end of the present quinquennium in connection with Professor Grieg's re- search into tooth ripple phenomena in alternators Mechanical Engineering department £400 towards Professor Kastner's research Physics department £2 026 towards research directed by Dr Lightowlers United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Chemical Engineering department £1 900 towards research United States Am Force Mathematics department an increase of 11 000 dollars in the grant to Professor Bondi and 15 000 dollars towards Dr Rox- burgh's research project Plasma Physics in an Astrophysical Environment World Health Organisation Zoology department 000 dollars towards Professor Arthur's research into the detection of small quantities of malarial antigen using immunological methods Mrs Evelyn Maud Bosworth Moore legacy of £2 000 for the purpose of founding Scholarship in Theology for the benefit of male students intend- ing to take Holy Orders in the Church of England who are in need of financial assistance The Reverend Harry Postlethwaitb Pollard legacy of £2 714 for the benefit of Theological student who shall be preparing for Holy Orders to relieve his needs Anonymous gift of £300 to provide an annual prize for the third year student gaining the highest aggregate marks in the Doctrine papers at the end of the second and third years Hanson Prizes £200 was raised by former students and £500 was con- tributed by Mrs Hanson to establish annual prizes in memory of Prebendary Richard Hanson Dean of King's College from 1932-45 for second and third year students in Philosophy and Christian Ethics 1967 Allied Electrical Industries Ltd Electrical Engineering department £800 towards the salary of research assistant
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