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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-271

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282 Fellows of King's College Date of Election 1958 Shaw Ivan Peter 1951 Sheldon Joseph Harold 1957 Simon The Rev Ulrich Ernst th 1958 Simpson The Rt Rev Bertram Fitzgerald 1970 Smith The Hon David 1964 Smith Professor James Eric ph sc 1960 Spinks Professor John William Tranter ph sc 1965 Stirling Mrs Patrick 1961 Stone Louise Willes 1966 Stopford The Rt Rev and Rt Hon Robert Wright Lord Bishop of London 1964 Style Professor Derek William Graham ph 1937 Tasker The Rev Professor Randolph Vincent Greenwood μ α 949ז Temple Professor George ph sc 1969 Tidnam Sydney William 1951 Tindall The Rev Canon Frederick Cryer 1959 Townroe The Rev Canon Edward John 1960 Trillo The Rt Rev Albert John th Lord Bishop Suffragan of Hertford 1969 Tyler Major General Sir Leslie sc eng eng mech 1934 Wakcley Sir Cecil Pembrey Grey Bart sc 1956 Wand The Rt Rev and Rt Hon John William Charles 1953 West Sydney George 1917 White Colonel Archie Cecil Thomas 1958 White Errol Ivor ph sc 1950 Wilhams Professor Charles Harold 1960 Wilson John Greenwood 1969 Winnington-Ingram Professor Reginald Pepys hon utt 1964 Wormald Professor Francis litt 1937 Worsley Col Sydney John μ α 1938 Zafrulla Khan The Hon Sir Muhammad Chaudhury ll
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