Calendar: 1970-1971 Page 149
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156 Faculties and Courses of Study students should write in the first instance to the Academic Registrar University of London Senate House WC1 for the regulations for internal students mentioning the degree for which they wish to work they should then write to the Dean of the Faculty of Theology at King's College FOR ORDINATION CANDIDATES The course for the Diploma of Associateship of King's College exempts the holder from the General Ordination examination provided in general that he has resided for at least three terms in the hostel at Vincent Square and for the fourth year at St Augustine's College Canterbury CANTERBURY TERMS SESSION I97O-7I Advent Term Monday September to Saturday 12 December 1970 Lent Term Monday 11 January to Sunday 11 April 1971 Easter Term Monday May to Saturday 19 June 1971
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