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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-148

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Faculties and Courses of Study 155 All students both degree and diploma take basic courses in the first year Subjects of study in the second and third years include Old Testa- ment New Testament Greek Testament Philosophy of Religion Christian Doctrine Liturgical Studies Christian Ethics Church History and Study of Religions For students there is wide choice of optional and special subjects within the above fields of study For further details the Faculty prospectus issued separately should be consulted COMBINED DEGREES Theology can also be studied as part of combined degree The following courses are available at King's College honours are awarded in all of them Latin and Theology Philosophy and Theology Greek and Theology Theology and Music The first three courses are located within the Faculty of Arts and further information can be obtained from the Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Arts and for Music from the Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Music CONDITIONS OF ENTRY degree or with Before admission an applicant must satisfy the University's general requirements The procedure to be followed is set out in the General Information section of the Calendar on page 75 Latin or Greek to the Ordinary level of the is an advantage diploma Intending students for the course only will normally be re- quired to have passes in at least five subjects at the General Certificate of Education examination of which at least two subjects must be at Advanced level and one must be English Language Postgraduate Courses Courses of study and research are arranged for candidates reading for the degrees of Th Phil and Ph in Theology Intending
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