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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-125

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132 Faculties and Courses of Study Pure Mathematics Geography Geology Applied Mathematics Physics Botany Mathematics Pure and Applied Physical Science Zoology Mathematics Chemistry Biology Mathematics Pure and Applied may not be included with Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics Biology may not be included with Botany or Zoology Candidates may also be considered if they have passed in two science subjects at Advanced level and one at Ordinary level but must conform to the following requirements Applicants wishing to take in the broad-based degree Mathematics as main subject must have either Mathematics Pure and Applied or both Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Advanced level Those taking Mathematics in the first year only must have either Pure Mathematics or Mathematics Pure and Applied at Advanced level Physics must have passed Physics at Advanced level Geography must have Geography at Advanced or Ordinary level Biology must have Chemistry at Advanced level Postgraduate Courses HIGHER DEGREES Internal and external graduates of the University of London and graduates of other universities are admitted to courses leading to the degrees of Sc Phil and Ph Facilities are offered in the various laboratories of the College to persons wishing to undertake research For details concerning the various higher degrees the University Regulations should be consulted Applicants should write in the first place to the Registrar of the College for an application form which will be submitted to the Head of the Department in which their studies lie On entering upon course of postgraduate study it is necessary to be formally enrolled by the Head of the Department or his representative The degree of Sc is awarded not on thesis but on the merits of original published work not done under direction and no course is prescribed
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