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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-105

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112 Faculties and Courses of Study Except in the cases of Classics English History Mathematics Philosophy and Modern Iberian and Latin American Regional Studies the candidate will be required to take subsidiary subject also The course extends over three years of full-time study in College Students reading for the degree in French or German are required to spend their third year abroad returning to College for the final year They are accepted only on this condition All students reading for French are required to apply for an assistantship during their second year in College with view to spending the following year in French school Students reading for Spanish or Portuguese or combination of these subjects are required under arrangements approved and supervised by the Department to spend period of study abroad normally summer term together with eight weeks of the corresponding long vacation Students in their first year will be encouraged to attend lectures in at least one subject other than those which form an integral part of their degree course combined studies Courses will be arranged in the following combinations of subjects honours will be awarded and each course will be of three years' duration German and Greek German and Latin German and Philosophy German and Spanish Greek and Philosophy Greek and Theology Latin and Spanish Latin and Theology Philosophy and Spanish Philosophy and Theology Portuguese Spanish and Latin American Studies Theology and Music CONDITIONS OF ENTRY Applicants must satisfy the following sets of conditions University General Requirements and Special Course Requirements in the Faculty of Arts In order to be qualified to commence course of study for degree in the Faculty of Arts in any London college an applicant must have satisfied the general requirements of the University for the procedure to be followed see General Information page 75 by means of subjects
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