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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-100

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Faculties and Courses of Study 107 Assistants Jean-Pierre Richard -es-l paws Claude Simon -es-l paris geography Professor and Head of Department Pugh cambridge ph london Readers Ε Yates sc ph london Alice Coleman london Morgan oxford ph Glasgow Clifford Embleton ph Cambridge Senior Lecturer in Biogeography Francis Rose sc ph london Lecturers Dcnys Brunsden sc ph london Lawrence sc london Κ Rosing Minnesota Maureen Jones sc wales ph Newcastle sc london Morgan sc ph exeter Williams Cambridge Toronto ph bristol Part-time Lecturer and Tutor Jean Whatley sc Glasgow sc ph california Hon Lecturer Professor Linton sc london Research Assistants Sumner sc london sc Liverpool Orchard sc london For names of senior technical staff see pages 6$-0ך The above together with the Professors Readers and Lecturers in Geography at the London School of Economics constitute the Joint School of Geography providing full courses for degrees in this subject geology see Faculty of Natural Science
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