Calendar: 1969-1970 Page 527
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Index of Names XVll Lyn T267 266 Lyons Miss Κ 59 122 253 Lysaght 241 Μ Macadam Sir 35 36 49 275 383 McCarthy 261 McCaul Rev 219 221 223 McClare 44 59 117 246 Maclay 259 McCleUand 248 249 259 McCormack 40 41 59 66 217 MacDonald-Ross Μ 253 McDougall 259 McDowall 65 260 275 M'Ewen Miss Μ 244 McGee 153 McGinn 262 McGlynn 231 McHardy Rev 220 Mcllraith 240 Mclnnes O'H 234 Mack Miss 227 228 Mackarness Rev 221 222 MacKay 244 247 McKay 234 McKay 249 Mackay 240 McKechnie Miss Μ McL 233 McKelvie 258 MacKenzie 260 McKeown 260 McKerrow 227 Mackie 25s Mackinnon 252 253 Mackinnon 257 259 McLauchlan 258 McLellan 259 MacLeod 259 McMahon 266 McMinn Μ 38 44 45 59 128 257 MacNab 259 MacPhail Α 257 McVittie Miss 59 118 246 McVittie 254 Magill 234 Maguinness 37 42 59 99 225 275 Mahood Miss Μ 228 Mainland 234 Maltby Miss Ο 264 Mandeville Rev Μ 221 223 224 Mango 235 Mann 258 Manning 230 Manton Miss 253 March Rev 219 Margoliouth Η 227 Mariette Α 232 Marsh Miss 217 Marsh Rev 221 222 Marsh 49 275 382 Marshall 235 Marshall 40 42 59 103 229 230 Marshall Miss 59 14 Martial 233 Martin 262 Martin Rev 49 60 146 218 Martin 36 44 60 121 244 Martin 38 42 60 104 237 Martyn 245 Mascall The Rev 46 49 50 60 144 146 219 275 382 Masoliver 236 Mason Rev 60 Mason 119 247 Mason 265 Mather 242 Mathieu 233 Matsukawa 246 Matthews The Very Rev 48 49 215 219 220 222 224 232 275 381 382 384 Maudsley 38 43 60 in 240 Maurice Rev 221 228 Maxwell 243 May 244 247 Mayo 257 260 Mayor 225 Meek 256 Megrah 242 Meiklejohn Miss 68 Mellows 41 43 60 in 241 Melrose 44 60 119 245 248 Mendel 261 Mendelson Μ 43 60 112 241 Mendl 42 60 104 237 Merrington 246 Messervry-Whiting Mrs Κ 68 Metcalf Mrs 252 Metcalf 42 60 103 229 Metcalfe 44 60 118 251 Meyer Miss 60 153 217 Michaels Mrs Ν 241 Middleton Α 245 Middleton 234 Milch 234 Millar Miss 276 Miller 263 Miller Α 247 249 Milner 42 46 60 137 270 Milnes-Holden 242 Miskella Miss 153 Moberley Sir 224 Mockeridge Miss Α 251 252 Mockett 240 Momerie 231 Momsen Mrs 231 Money 249 Monro 255 Montgomery-Campbell The Rt Rev and Rt Hon 275 382 Moodie 259 Moody 263 Moore 245 Moore 250 Moore Miss 216 217 Moore 60 118 251 252 Moore 275 Moreno 236 Morgan 60 101 231 Morgan 42 44 60 101 231 Morgan 231 Morgans 256 Moriarty 232 Morley 231 Morley 227 Morrell The Rt Rev 275 382 Morris 269 Morris 241 Morrison Α 240 241 Morrison 246
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