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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1969-1970-399

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Annual Report of the Delegacy xxxvii have been initiated in which committees from the colleges including King's will play an active part These questions have naturally raised problems of college government and administration Strategy Com- mittee has been hard at work for more than year looking into the long-term policy of college development in the light of the 's latest pronouncements and committee has been set up by the Pro- fessorial Board to consider the place and function of the Board in the government of the College and its relation to the Delegacy and other bodies the library The Library Committee welcomed the Report of the Committee on Libraries of the University Grants Committee as the first comprehen- sive study of the needs of University libraries in the United Kingdom and particularly because it recognised that their problems could be resolved only in the context of the whole national library scene The Committee accepted the conclusions and recommendations of the Report noting with satisfaction that the College Library already con- formed with such of them as were compatible with the physical condi- tions in which it at present contrived to function at King's and drew the attention of the College authorities to those recommendations of the Report which could not be implemented owing to shortcomings in financial provision and in accommodation The Professorial Board supported the Library Committee's recommendations that the should make urgent recommendations in appropriate quarters for the improved efficiency of the national inter-library lending system the setting up of national scheme for the systematic acquisition of foreign publications the establishment of national bibliographical centre and the liberalisation of the copyright legislation to facilitate photocopying in the interest of scholarship and that there should be greater co- operation within the University of London to enable the resources of one library to be made more readily accessible at least to senior mem- bers of other colleges and schools The College also welcomed the setting up of the National Libraries Committee in view of the urgent need for the rationalisation of the resources and services of the national libraries which had been emphasised in the Report and decided to submit statement of evidence to that Committee which was compiled by the Librarian on the basis of information supplied by 22-6 per cent of the academic staff supplemented by factual data from the records of the College Library
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