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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1969-1970-382

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XX Annual Report of the Delegacy The Principal Sir Peter Noble retired from the Principalship on July 31st 1968 The Chairman expressed the following tribute on behalf of the Delegacy 'After sixteen years as Principal of King's College Sir Peter Noble will relinquish his office on July 31st 1968 Throughout the College there has been spontaneous desire to pay tribute to Principal who has earned the respect admiration and affection of staff and students alike and nowhere is that desire more fervent or sincere than among the members of the Delegacy of which though never member he has been ever the fixed star and moving spirit 'Coming to King's in 1952 at the age of 52 Peter Scott Noble had behind him thirty years of high academic achievement in four of our leading Universities Aberdeen Cambridge Liverpool Leeds and ten years' knowledge of the workings and policies of the University Grants Committee through which he acquired an insight into the problems of Universities throughout the country He had ahead of him sixteen years of dedicated service from which King's has derived immeasurable benefits 'Within the limits prescribed by perennial inadequacy of accom- modation and an absence of free endowments the past sixteen years have shown notable developments in numbers courses and above all ideas Physical and financial limitations there have been but there has been no limit to the creative thinking of forward-looking mind or to the patient perseverance which alone can translate plans into pcrfor- mance The establishment of Biophysics in Drury Lane the setting-up of the Faculties of Music and Education the consolidation of Theology on university basis and the growth of computing service are but some of the measures which he has worked for and seen realised The South Roof extension the new buildings at King's College Hall the premises at Half Moon Lane for the new School of Biological Sciences the acquisition of an outstation at Rogate and most striking of all the beginning in the Strand of the major reconstruction of the College perimeter have all owed much to his wisdom and tenacity in the face of many setbacks 'Noteworthy as have been the tangible results of our Principal's period of office of equal perhaps even more abiding significance have been the benefits the College has derived from the all pervading in- fluence of the man himself scholar he has unswervingly sought the furtherance of scholarship and in an era of change he has stood for changeless values Charged with heavy administrative duties outside
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