Calendar: 1969-1970 Page 328
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Academic Awards 345 FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Special Second Examination for Medical Degrees March 1968 Allen Stephen Charles Basson Rosemary Jane Beetlestone Anthony Charles Bentley Stephen Charles Bett Nicholas James Bird David Francis Blacow Michael Alexander Boddam-Whetham Andrew Hugh Booth Ian Westerby Bowen Iestyn Rhys Boyd Isobel Margaret Brabbins Graham Charles Bradby Geoffrey Vernon Hugh Branicki Frank James Brown Jonathan Paul Brummitt Peter Ian Carne-Ross Ian Pattison Charlier Anthony Raymond Christopher Alison Jane Moore Collins David Roland Coombes Raoul Charles Dalmedo Curtis Keith William Daggett Peter Roger Davidson Margaret Joan Dean Richard Paul Dodds Gillian Duffell Jacqueline Clare Dwyer Dunbar Edward Milne Edmonds Michael Edwin Fletcher Matthew Shawcross Frost Geoffrey John Galbraith Robert Michael Geddes Duncan Mackay Graham John James Graham Ralph Scorer Gray John Edward Greenway Brian Arthur Hall Peter Vivian Harvey Paul Bennett Hughes John Richard lies Peter Bernard Ince Gregory James Jagger Christopher Roy Jarratt William James Jenkins Celia Anne Jones David Michael Kershaw Edward John Krapez John Robert Laverick Peter Maguire Joseph Mason Christopher Mendelson Renice Middleton Christopher Stephen Hugh Morgan Richard Morgan Susan Carol Morris Angela Eileen Moss Anthony Leslie Hugh Muir Julian Main Nuttall Lesley Jane O'Kane Janine Margot Oram David Howard Peck Gregory Nigel Pharaoh James Mark Pierscianowski Andrew Lech Potts Roger Karl Pugh Christopher Kenneth William Richardson Stephen Brendan Ross Patricia Ann Rubens Michael Bernard Shilhto Gillian Mary Powell Sim Andrew John Wyness Southcott Ehzabeth Jane Stadniczuk Marie Theodora Thomas William Ernest Ghinn Thonet Robert Gustave Nicholas Vickers Phillip James Watt Smith Jane Ann Williams Glyn Roger
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