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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1968-1969-379

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Annual Report of the Delegacy xxxvii colleges including King's College have been able substantially to increase their accommodation for men students great deal more must be done particularly for women students in the mixed colleges such as King's THE LIBRARY During the early part of the session finance was once again the primary consideration of the Library Committee and the budget for the year was inevitably based on the reality that the Library grant was £2 611 less than the actual expenditure in 1965 66 consequently the alloca- tions made in the interest of individual academic departments were inadequate for current needs and the Committee was unable to author- ise the placing of standing orders for periodicals series and works in progress Happily the Delegacy was able later in the session to make supplementary grant of £3 750 and to promise even more generous supplementation of the Library grant in 1967 68 which would enable the Library to meet most of its desiderata up to the end of that session This improved financial position enabled the Library Committee not only to increase departmental allocations to viable level but also to authorise the placing of standing orders for forty-six new periodicals nine series of texts or monographs and eleven major works in pro- gress Altogether 441 volumes and 493 pamphlets including 847 volumes and 841 parts of periodicals were purchased during the year As ever the Library Committee acknowledges with gratitude the receipt of large number of items as gifts from many donors both individual and corporate listed in Appendix III 461 volumes and 816 pamphlets including 217 volumes and 280 parts of periodicals were added to the Library in this way during the session bringing the total accessions for the year up to 10 902 volumes and 309 pamphlets Mention may be made particularly of 158 volumes given by ten publishing houses to help establish new collection of school textbooks in the Education library 597 items given by the editors of Nature and 142 volumes mainly of Italian literature given by Mrs Richardson this last-named gift supplementing the second instalment of Mrs Richardson's library which had been purchased earlier in the session with the help of special grant from the Delegacy The Library Committee was also grateful for further donation of £100 from the University's special advisory committee for Summer Schools to be spent on English literature from the seventeenth to the twentieth
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