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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1968-1969-362

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XX Annual Report of the Delegacy wishes of the Delegacy and of the staff of the College are offered to them in their retirement Professor Boxer held the Camoens Chair of Portuguese at King's College from 1947 until his retirement at the end of thiis session apart from break of two years 1951-53 when he was Prcofessor of the History of the Far East at the School of Oriental ancd African Studies Professor Boxer's earlier career in the Army brought him iinto close touch with Far Eastern affairs and to thorough knowledge of the Japanese language From this he became interested in Pcortuguese settlements and travellers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the Far East the Portuguese having been among thte earliest westerners to make contact with the Japanese Professor Bioxer has made this field of research his own he has travelled widely and pub- lished great deal of historical comment upon Portuguese colonial affairs and translation of seventeenth-century Portuguese lite rary and historical material The distinction and enthusiasm which he brought to his research are well known his colleagues at King's Colllege will greatly miss his genial personality and offer him their goo wishes for many years of happy retirement which he plans to start as Pro- fessorial Research Fellow at the University of Indiana Professor Nicol succeeded another Glaswegian Blaiir in the Chair of Anatomy at King's College and has held it for thiirty-two years Coming into anatomy from surgery he was Senior Leccturer in the University of Glasgow before coming to King's in 1935 Fc'or many years he shared in rotation the Deanship of Medical Science with his fellow Scot Professor McDowall of Physiology andl during the early war years they were responsible for maintaining the Faculty during the period of evacuation from London It was approprriate that in his last year before retirement he was Dean again and he wras lately Secretary and then Chairman of the Board of Studies in Human Anatomy and Morphology From 1946 to 1955 he was Treaisurer of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland and was fear many years Secretary Treasurer of the London Committee of Licensed Teachers of Anatomy In research he had life-long interest in the reticulo-endlothelial system and the control of the defence mechanisms of the bocdy and was frequent contributor to meetings at home and abroad on this
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