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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1968-1969-343

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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366 Index of Names Weston Α 251 Whately 219 Whatley 38 44 64 118 124 253 Whatley MrsJ 101 Wheatstone 245 Whincop Miss Κ 241 Whitaker 257 White 276 341 White 265 White Ε 276 White Miss 217 White 247 White Rev 220 White 46 64 132 265 White 215 226 245 Whitelcy Miss Κ 36 67 Whitlock Mrs 68 Whitney Rev 221 Whittaker Miss 41 45 64 129 263 Whittam 258 Widdas 260 Widdowson Ε 259 Widdowson 257 Wigan 254 Wiles Rev 38 43 46 64 144 224 Wilkins Μ 253 254 Wilkins Μ 38 45 64 117 123 248 Wilkinson 36 41 45 64 121 246 247 Willett 230 Williams 49 65 215 230 276 Williams Miss Ε 241 Williams Gordon 246 247 248 Williams Gwyn 250 Williams 250 251 Williams 226 Williams MissJ 66 Williams Miss 234 Williams Ν 262 Williams Rev Canon 214 Williams Ο 229 Williams Mrs 68 Williams 46 64 133 265 Williams 246 247 Willis 266 Willison 217 Willmore 228 Willmott Miss 68 WiUson-Pcpper 258 Wilson 263 Wilson 248 Wilson 266 Wilson Miss 255 Wilson Ε 238 Wilson Η Α 233 246 Wilson MissJ 259 Wilson 240 Wilson 276 Wilson 241 Wilson 246 247 Wiltshire 252 Winch 38 43 64 104 233 Wingate 259 Winkler 237 Winnington-Ingram 37 43 46 64 99 22s Winterton 261 Wiseman Α 250 251 Wiseman Miss Α 67 Withers 244 Wolfenden 264 Wolley-Dod 265 Wolpert 255 Wood 233 Wood 258 Wood Miss Μ Α 217 Wood 232 Wood 228 Woodland 255 Woods Rev Canon 219 Woods 43 64 104 238 Woods Mrs 58 Wooldridge 232 233 252 Wormald 49 65232 341 276 Worsley 49 276 341 Worsnop 246 WrathaU MissJ Α 57 Wrenn 49 229J 342 Wright 70 Wright Ε 227 Wright 261 Wright 251 Wyeth 256 Wyeth 64 66 217 Yamey 268 Yardley Miss 241 Yarker 39 43 64 99 229 Yates Ε 43 45s 64 101 233 Yeo 260 York His Grace the Lord Archbishop of 48 339 Youldon Miss 2233 Young 237 Young 240 Ζ Zafrulla Khan The Hon Sir 276 Zarek 264 265 Zeugner Α 64 102 237 Zittel 237
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