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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1968-1969-335

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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358 Index of Names Grant 57 153 217 Grant 258 Gratzer 44 57 117 248 Graveson 37 43 57 in 242 243 274 341 Gray 233 252 Gray Ε 236 Gray Τ 238 250 Green Miss Η 153 Green Rev 221 223 Green Rev Canon 222 Greenslade Rev Canon 224 Gredley B- 57 99 215 Greenwood-Penny Miss 66 Gregg 250 251 Gregor 229 Greig 37 45 57 33 266 275 Griew 243 Griffin 242 Griffin 261 Griffith 242 Grivart de Kerstrat Miss 244 Gross Α 57 101 235 Grosvenor Miss D- 218 Groves 253 262 Gruenais 235 Gruenter 236 Guest 38 43 57 in 242 Guest 227 Guillaume Rev Α 220 Gumbrell Α 261 Guthkelch 229 Gwyn-Thomas Miss 67 Η Hacker Rev 218 Hackett Sir 37 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 49 51 52 66 215 275 Hackett Miss 42 57 100 234 Hadow Ε Α 251 Hainsworth 225 226 Hajdu 261 Hales 216 Hales 229 Hall Α 44 57 120 252 Hall 44 57 119 250 251 Hall 44 57 "8 123 249 253 Hall Ε 225 226 Hall 232 Hall 261 Hall 226 Hall 275 Hallett 233 Hallett 216 Halley 235 Halliburton 260 Halliday Sir 215 Halpin 258 HaltenhofF 236 Hamilton 258 Hamilton 255 256 Hamilton Mrs 40 42 57 104 238 Hancock 44 57 121 252 Handford Α 225 226 Hans 238 239 240 Hanson Miss 38 44 57 118 123 248 249 Hanson Rev 215 222 223 234 Harcourt 275 Harding Miss 254 Flarding Miss 67 Hardman Rev 222 Hardwich 251 Hardy 243 Hare 232 275 Harkness Α 69 Harley 217 Harlow 231 Harmer 234 Harper 250 Harris 262 Harris 36 42 46 57 141 240 Harris Μ 66 Harrison 247 Harrison 229 230 Harrow 57 66 217 Hart 244 Hartley 251 Harvey 262 Harvey Η Α 153 217 Harvey-Kelly D'A 261 Hatto 236 Hawken 45 57 134 267 Hawkins 260 Hawkins Miss 44 57 122 255 Hay 57 232 Hayes 42 46 57 240 Hayles Miss Η 241 Headlam Rev 25 26 215 Healey 44 5'7 122 255 Hearnshaw 21 230 Heath 227 Heath 258 Heath 229 Heathcote 262 Hecker 275 Helmy 259 Hemingway Α 262 Henbest Η 249 Henderson 227 2775 341 Henderson Mrs Μ 217 Hendry 264 Henfrey Α 253 Herberg Mrs 2216 Herroun 245 247 262 Hertford the Rt Re the Lord Bishop 48 Hesketh 242 Hetherington 225 Hewitt Α 260 2651 Hewitson Miss 67 Hewson-Browne Rl 228 Hey 35 36 37 44 46 47 49 57 119 215 249 275 34 Heywood 226 227 229 Hibbard Miss Ν 66 Hibbert 242 Hickey 259 Hickling Α 577 145 221 Hickling Μ Α 243 Higgins 251 Higgins 44 57120 226 Higgs 216 Highsted 217 Hill 240 Hill Miss 224 Hill 42 57 99230 Hillersdon Ε 49 342 Hinkel 250 25Π Hippisley Miss 218 Hirsch 248 Hirst 42 46 57 141 240 Hobbs 57 122255 Hobdell Μ 45 57130 258 Hobson 275 Hodges Η Α 224 Hodgett 42 57 103 231
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