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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1968-1969-296

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314 Academic Awards Field George Malcolm Foweraker Ronald Edwin George David Frederick Henderson Angus Mark Howarth Robert Michael Johnston Neil Martin Lawson Ann Little Peter James Mason Brenda Menhennet Christine Morpurgo Michael Andrew Bridge Palmer Lesley Florence Rotherham Catherine Anne Slater John Smith Mary Lynette WaUwork Dorothy Lawrence Webb Anthony William Weekes Rosemary Jane Mahala Wiggett Norman Edward With credit FACULTY OF LAWS Recommended for the Associateship Non-Theological Bantin Jennifer Cade Nzerem Richard Chima Birtles William Jack Riedel Eibe Heino Hans Carr Margaret Anne Thornborough Christine Dennis Cynthia Caroline Trew Edward John Heath Pauline Mary Walmsley Christopher David Cooper King Geoffrey William Williams Philip Arthur Winston Montacute Mervyn Charles Worfolk Susan FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE Recommended for the Associateship Non-Theological Bowers Peter John Brooks Michael Ernest Brown Peter Roy Clarke Stephen Hubert Collins Christopher Collinson David WiUiam England Edwin Geoffrey HorsfaU Trevor Howard WiUiam Nicholas Huddart Robin Hughes Eileen Kemp David Thomas Knowling Richard Charles Laver Philip Denis Martin Janet Mary Mason Christopher Lee Read Martin Reynolds David Michael Rogers Margaret Elizabeth Savins Leslie John Squire John Michael Stacey Ronald Jeffrey Watson Andrew Muirhead WiUers Ian Malcolm WiUiamson Frank WiUmore Lesley Ann Wood Philip Nigel With credit
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