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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1968-1969-283

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Academic Awards 301 Carlisle Gary Williams Collison David William Crofts Trevor John Denly Mary Eileen Dennis Stuart Eeuwens Christopher John Ennis Andrew Murray Foster Barry Thomas Foulkes John Anthony Gunn Rodney Spencer Haig Althea Elizabeth Hairs Sarah Elizabeth Haywood Philip John Hellen Robert Paul Houghton David Barrie Jenkins Richard Owen Jones Martin Velden Kasara Ezira Kwebiha Kusamran Kosan Geography Geography Physiology Botany Physics Botany Physics Botany Zoology Physiology Botany Mathematics Geography Chemistry Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Physics Chemistry Mason Christopher Lee Chemistry Monk Kenneth Russell Chemistry Morris David Malcolm Geography Mullen Donald Joseph Edgar Chemistry Payne Anthony Ian Zoology Philpott Raymond John Chemistry Portman Dixon Catherine Ann Botany Reeves Noel Harry Physics Richer Janet Ann Geography Steinberg Edith Amelia Zoology Taylor Michael Graeme Physics Triggs Elizabeth Ann Geology Watson Andrew Muirhead Chemistry Webb Maureen Anne Botany Wood Philip Nigel Physics Wynne Katherine Mary Zoology Xavier Patrick Lloyd Cuthbert Physiology Third Class Honours Askew John Keith Physics Bowers Peter John Chemistry Brooks Michael Ernest Chemistry Cooper Mary Geography Everett Michael Peter Geology Frost James Frederick Chemistry Hallett Michael Wilham Chemistry Kelly Richard Dominic Gabriel Mathematics MacKinnon Ian Malcolm Chemistry McGrath Arundel Yolande Misell Janet Mary Moore Lesley Christopher Morgan Roger Whitlock Rae David Sanders Peter Seeley Ralph Gordon Slack John Graham Snow David Geoffrey Solomon Adrian Alan Geography Mathematics Chemistry Physics Geology Chemistry Mathematics Chemistry Chemistry Physics External Pass Evans Peter Denzil Chemistry Sc Degree Seymour Anthony Mathematics Anthoney Martin Eric Barrett Richard Maxwell Bell Anthony Nicholas Berrington Graham Chemistry Part Brett Cyril Leslie Briggs Penelope Jane Clement David Alun Collins Barry Stuart
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