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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1968-1969-101

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108 Faculties and Courses of Study be given to candidates having pass in Mathematics at least at Ordinary level German pass at Advanced level in German and in one other subject preference will be given to applicants having third subject at Ad- vanced level Greek passes at Advanced level in Greek and one other subject and pass at Ordinary level in Latin History passes at Advanced level in three subjects are normally re- quired in some cases applicants with two subjects are considered pass at Advanced level in History would be preferred good reading knowledge of at least one language other than English is essential Latin passes at Advanced level in Latin and one other subject and pass at Ordinary level in Greek Mathematics as from October 1967 admission to this course has been suspended but suitable candidates will be considered for the Sc degree in Mathematics See page 125 Philosophy two passes at Advanced level Portuguese two passes at Advanced level as the Classical language required by the University at Ordinary level Latin will be preferred Spanish passes at Advanced level in Spanish and in one other subject COMBINED STUDIES COURSES English and German passes at Advanced level in English and German English and Spanish passes at Advanced level in English and Spanish German and Greek passes at Advanced level in German and Greek German and Latin passes at Advanced level in German and Latin German and Philosophy passes at Advanced level in German and one other subject German and Spanish passes at Advanced level in German and Spanish Greek and Philosophy passes at Advanced level in Greek and one other subject Greek and Theology passes at Advanced level in Greek and one other subject Latin and Spanish passes at Advanced level in Latin and Spanish Latin and Theology passes at Advanced level in Latin and one other subject
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