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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1967-1968-82

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88 General Information Publications The official handbook giving information about all clubs and societies is issued to members at the beginning of each session Lucifer King's College Review the literary magazine is published once term King's News appears fortnightly Contributions for both periodicals are invited from members Women's Common Room The women students of the College have their own Common Rooms in the Chesham governed by President and Committee elected annually number of social activities are organised by the Women's Common Room for present and former members of the College King's College London Association President Sir Beresford Clark sc Chairman Landers ph τ ύτ hh fl Shaw hint Hon Treasurers IF Smith Hon Secretary Kenn sc eng sc mech Engineering Branch the King's College London Engineers' Association President Buckley sc eng mech Hon Secretary Lloyd sc eng Membership is open to all past students who have been members of the College for at least three terms while registered students who satisfactorily complete an approved course for degree diploma or certificate of the University of London are automatically entitled to membership on leaving College All past and present members of the academic staff may also become members number of functions are arranged during the year These include College reception for members the annual dinner preceded by the Annual General Meeting and wide variety of activities such as visits to places of cultural or technical interest week-end excursions and theatre parties By arrangement with the Union Society all members of the Association are members of the Chesham House Club Members receive an annual magazine containing articles of interest by past students or members of the staff college news and news of members Details of Commemoration Week and other functions in College which are open to the Association are also circularised Further information may be obtained from the Registrar's Office King's College Strand WC2
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