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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1967-1968-462

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Annual Report of the Delegacy cxxxiii Sr de la Sota vols Mrs Statham Lord Strang Professor Taylor vols Miss Yolande Terenzio Mr Tibbutt Sir George Turner vols Dr Marcus Ward vols Colonel White Professor Gerald Wibberley The Rev Professor Woods OTHER LIBRARIES Abo Academi Library 427 vols Berlin Technical University Library Bodleian Law Library Oxford Cambridge University Library vols Cape Town University Library William Andrews Clark Memorial Library University of California vols University of Essex Library Glasgow University Library Hungarian National Library Lambeth Palace Library 15 vols Library of Congress Washington Lincoln's Inn Library vols Liverpool City Libraries University of London Library 86 vols Lyon Playfair Library Imperial College of Science and Technology vols Massey University of Manawatu Library National Central Library 17 vols National Lending Library for Science and Technology vols National Library of Scotland Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library Leningrad vols Science Museum Library Thorold and Lyttelton Library Winchester 821 vols University College London Library vols University of Warwick Library INSTITUTIONS LEARNED SOCIETIES AND BUSINESS FIRMS Aberdeen University Agricultural Research Council Association of Assistant Mistresses in Secondary Schools vols Athlone Press University of London vols Australian National University Austrian Institute London vols Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik AG
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