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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1967-1968-423

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xciv Annual Report of the Delegacy pursued The work on the effects of time and temperature on concrete structures was continued and expanded With the aid of an SRC grant research began on the creep of concrete subjected to three different principal stresses The engineering properties of soils under dynamic loading was examined the topic being relevant to the problems of dams in earthquake zones Procedures for analysing the stability of modular structures were pursued and the control of self-priming spill- way siphons by air entrainment was also studied new postgraduate course in Civil Engineering was approved for the Sc Eng degree and was recognised by the Science Research Council Professor Kastner Dr Williams Dr -T Lyn and Dr Tindal attended and presented papers at conference on 'Accuracy of electronic measurements in engine development' at the In- stitution of Mechanical Engineers in January 1966 Dr Lyn and Dr Tindal attended meetings of the University engine computer group at Liverpool and Manchester Dr Smith attended con- ference in Manchester on 'Methods in Engineering Education' Professor Η Rose visited Poland at the invitation of the Polish Academy of Science to see research establishments and to lecture in the Berg Academic at Cracow He also visited Norway and lectured in the Christian Michelsen Institute at Bergen He presented paper Ά comprehensive theory of the comminution process' to the second international Symposium on Comminution held in Amsterdam in September 1966 This was the first session of the new postgraduate courses in Internal Combustion Engineering and in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and both made promising start notable feature of the course in Internal Combustion Engineering was series of twenty lectures by experts from outside the College which were open to students from industry and elsewhere not attending the full course These lectures attracted good deal of interest and were very well attended The three postgraduate courses in the Mechanical Engineering de- partment threw heavy additional strain on the laboratory and work- shop staff whose co-operation and support were most valuable During the session Science Research Council grants were received in support of research concerned with combustion in Wankel rotary engine and with the non-steady-flow performance of centripetal gas turbine Other internal-combustion-engine research continued in the
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