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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1967-1968-413

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lxxxiv Annual Report of the Delegacy Ph Edwards 'Instrumentation for magnetic analyser and its use in proton elastic and inelastic scattering measurements at 50 MeV Ph Gaunt 'Phase transitions in lattice systems Ph Jones 'Cathodoluminescence in diamond Ph Passmore Spectroscopic and photoionization studies in the far ultraviolet Ph Roessler 'Optical properties of materials in the far ultraviolet Ph Todd Some observations on the phase velocity of VLF and ELF radio waves under both day and night conditions of propagation Ph Wood 'Some studies in the Heisenberg theory of ferromagnetism Departmental Notes major part of the research of the department continues to be financed by the outside grants mentioned in last year's report Most of these continued during the year and were supplemented by additional SRC grants The department is severely handicapped by the restrictions of space and the rebuilding operations The necessity of having to house the College computer and radiation protection units further aggravat this Research The high level of the research activity of the department is reflected in the publication of over fifty papers in the course of the year and in the large number of special lectures given by the staff at institu- tions in this country and overseas The theoretical group under Professor Domb continued its studies of critical phenomena and made several predictions which after- wards received experimental confirmation It also extended its enu- meration and computer projects Fruitful work was also done on the configuration of polymers and the properties of polymer solutions Professor Price's group continued to develop photoelectron methods for studying the electronic structure of molecules and new and revealing information on the nature of chemical binding was forth- coming Dr Wilkinson and Dr Sherman used infra-red and Raman spectroscopy for the study of intermolecular forces in pure
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