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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1967-1968-377

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xlviii Annual Report of the Delegacy Departmental Notes Professor Maguinness lectured to the London Classical Society on 'Horace the Eclectic' in November 1965 He attended the Con- ventus Studiis Latinis Provehendis at Rome in April as British repre- sentative on the International Organising Committee gave an address entitled 'De Arte et Ratione Linguae Latinae docendae in Britannia adhibitis' and presided at the closing session of the Congress He lectured for the British Council universities and schools in Athens Naples Rome Bologna Milan and Strasbourg Professor Winnington-Ingram read paper to the Cambridge Philological Society on 'The fourth stasimon of Sophocles' Antigone' He lectured to the Worcester and Malvern branch of the Classical Association on Greek stage-conventions and their ancient critics' and to the Nottingham University Classical Society on 'Music in ancient Greek life' Dr Gossage lectured on Virgil at conference on Ancient Epic Poetry held by the Portsmouth and District Schools' Classical Associa- tion He acted as Moderator for the London General Certificate of Education and was appointed to membership of the Classics Subject Committee of the Schools Council as representative of the London School Examinations Council Dr Hainsworth gave course of intercollegiate lectures on 'Homer and oral poetry' He lectured to the Mediaeval Society on The Greek oral epic' He was appointed Acting Editor of the Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Mr Courtney gave course of intercollegiate lectures on 'Elemen- tary principles of textual criticism' Dr Lintott gave course of intercollegiate lectures on 'Roman Law and Polities' and lectured to the Classical Society of Royal Holloway College on 'Poetry and History in Lucan's epic' Mr Handford's retirement after forty-three years in the College leaves void in the department which will be greatly felt by his col- leagues and by the students whom he has taught but whose under- graduate career is not yet finished Mr Î’ Caven of Birkbeck College acted as visiting Lecturer throughout the session Four well-attended performances were given by the King's College Classical Society of the Iphigenia in Tauris of Euripides in Greek
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