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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1967-1968-333

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THE THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT of KING'S COLLEGE LONDON UNIVERSITY OF LONDON ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE SESSION 1965-66 presented to the COURT of the COLLEGE COUNCIL AND CORPORATION The Council has met three times in joint session with the Theological Committee The Council learned with great regret of the death on November 24th 1965 of Sir Harry Vaizey who had been member of the Council since 1949 and of the death on May 31st 1966 of the Reverend Canon George Frederick Woods Professor of Divinity since 1964 The Council received with pleasure the news that the Bishop of London had received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of London and that the Dean of Westminster the Very Reverend Eric Symes Abbott had been created The Right Reverend Bertram Fitzgerald Simpson and the Right Reverend Arthur John Trillo were elected members of the Council by the Court The staff of the Theological Department elected the Reverend Richard James Coggins in place of the Reverend Canon Jasper whose term of office had expired The Associates of King's College elected the Reverend John Tinsley in place of the Reverend Prebendary Poulden on the expiration of his term The Council expressed its special gratitude for many years of friendship and help in its work to the retiring Academic Registrar Dr James Henderson Fellow of King's College FELLOWSHIP The Rt Rev and Rt Hon Robert Wright Stopford Lord Bishop of London Deputy Chairman of the
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