Calendar: 1966-1967 Page 452
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Annual Report of the Delegacy exxvii Spriggs 'The effects of anaesthesia induced by urethane or phenobarbitone upon the distribution of peripheral catecholamines in the rat Brit Pharmacol 1965 24 752-8 Spriggs and Stockham 'Urethane anaesthesia and pituitary-adrenal function in the rat Pharm Pharmacol 1964 16 603-10 Wilson 'Beta sympathetic inhibitory receptors in the small intestine of the guinea- pig Pharm Pharmacol 1964 16 834-5 'An automatic apparatus for repeated stimulation of isolated organs by agonist drugs Pharm Pharmacol 1965 17 176-82 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY Buller and Lewis 'The rate of tension development in isometric tetanic contractions of mammalian fast and slow muscle Physiol 176 1965 337-54 'Further observations on the differentiation of skeletal muscles in the kitten hind limb Physiol 176 1965 355-70 'Some observations on the effects of tenotomy in the rabbit Physiol 178 1965 326-42 'Further observations on mammalian cross-innervated skeletal muscle Physiol 178 1965 343-58 D'Silva and Hartridge Essentials of Physiology nth edition Longmans Green Co D'Silva Α Mendel and Winterton 'Determinants of intramyocardial pressure in the cat Amer Physiol 207 1964 1117-22 Hilton Creese and El-Shafi 'Effects of antimycin-A on denervated muscle Physiol 178 1965 18-19P Hilton and Maclagan 'Factors determining the pharmacological properties of end-plates Physiol 177 1965 71-2P Lewis and Rosendorff 'The contraction times of submaximal twitches of mammalian fast and slow skeletal muscles Physiol 177 1965 55-6P Mendel and Grayson 'Physiology of the splanchnic circulation Physiological Society Mono- graph Series Published by Edward Arnold
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