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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1966-1967-449

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Page content

cxxiv Annual Report of the Delegacy McMinn Μ Fry and Shuster 'D-xylose absorption in patients with eczema Brit ined 967-8 1965 Nicol Bilbey Charles Cordingley and Vernon- Roberts Oestrogen the natural stimulant of body defence Endocrin 30 277-91 1964 Nicol and Vernon-Roberts 'The influence of the Estrus cycle pregnancy and ovariectomy on RES activity Reticuloendothelial Soc 15-29 1965 Nicol Vernon-Roberts and Quantock 'The influence of various hormones on the RES system endocrine control of body defence Endocrin 33 1965 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY Bamford Harris Luffman and Robson Ε 'Serum alkaline phosphatase and the ABO blood groups Lancet 1965 530 Bell 'Homoarginine γ-hydroxyarginine and related compounds Chapter in Comparative Biochemistry of Argininc and Derivatives Ciba Foundation Study Group Churchill London 1965 Bell Ε Α and Fowden 'Studies of amino acid distribution and their possible value in plant classifi- cation Chapter 10 in Taxonomic Biochemistry and Serology ed Leone Ronald Press New York 1964 Bell Ε Α and Przybylska 'The origin and site of synthesis of the pyrimidine ring in the amino acid lathyrine Biochem 196s 94 35P Blau and Darbre 'Gas chromatography of volatile amino acid derivatives II Leucine cysteine proline hydroxyproline methionine phenylalanine aspartic acid and glutamic acid Chromato 1965 17 445 Conneally Nevo Cleghom Τ Harris Hopkinson Α Robson Ε Spencer and Steinberg 'Linkage studies with the human red blood cell acid phosphatase locus and blood group Hp Gm and Inv loci Amer Hum Genet 1965 17 109 Darbre 'Review of gas chromatography Fourth International Symposium Ed Fowler Science Progress 1965
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