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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1966-1967-447

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Page content

cxxii Annual Report of the Delegacy Roessler 'Kramers-Kronig analysis of non-normal incidence reflection Brit App Phys 16 1965 1359 Sherman and Cundill 'Infrared spectra recorded under high pressure 8th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy 1965 78 Stokes Lee McMullen and Brown 'Methods for automatic nucleotide-sequence analysis Multi-component spectrophotometric analysis of mixtures of nucleic acid components by least squares procedure Biochemical 94 1965 pp 314-22 Sykes and Essam 'Critical percolation probabilities by series methods Phys Rev 133A 1964 3112 Sykes Essam and Gaunt 'Derivation of low temperature expansions for the Ising model of ferromagnet and an antiferromagnet Math Phys 1965 283 Wilkinson 'Infrared spectra of oriented inorganic and organic crystals Methods in Infrared Spectroscopy Chapter 10 Edited by Miller Heydon 1965 Wilkinson Denham Field Hadfield Hoyle Η Morse and Rogers 'Vibrational spectra of solids 8th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy 1965 179 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Arthur Ticks of the Genus Ixodes in Africa The Athlone Press 348 pp 'Ticks in Egypt in 1500 Nature 106 1060-1 with Chaudhuri revision of Nosomma monstrosum Nuttall and Warburton 1908 Ixodoidea Ixodidae Parasitology 33 391-400 Editor of biological texts of the English Universities Press Cox 'New Triassic dicynodonts from South America their origins and relationships Phil Trans roy Soc 248 457-516 Cox Ditrypanocystis cirratuli Sporozoa Archigregarinida parasitic in Cirratulus cirratus from Plymouth mar Biol Ass 43 59-64 Apodemus sylvaticus fostered on Mus musculus Proc zoo Soc 144 150-2 with Vickerman 'Blood parasites from mammals and birds of Northern Nigeria Trans roy Soc trop Med Hyg 39 372
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