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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1966-1967-445

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cxx Annual Report of the Delegacy Dalton and Wood Ά study of the concentrated Heisenberg Ferromagnet with higher neighbour interactions Phys Rev 138A 1965 779 Danielian 'Low-temperature behaviour of face-centred cubic antiferromagnet Phys Rev 133 1964 A1344 Ordering in solid hydrogen Phys Rev 138A 1965 282 Dean and Crowther 'The effect of uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure on the absorption edge spectrum and the edge excitation spectrum for visible luminescence in diamond Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors 'Radiative Recombination in Semiconductors Dunod Paris 1964 104-12 Dean and Male 'Some properties of the visible luminescence excited in diamond by irradiation in the fundamental absorption edge Phys Chem Solids 23 1964 1369 Domb Some statistical problems connected with crystal lattices Roy Stat Soc 26 1964 367 Statistical mechanics of critical behaviour in magnetic systems From Magnetism 2A Ed Rado Suhl 1965 Domb Gillis and Wilmers 'On the shape and configuration of polymer molecules Proc Phys Soc 83 1965 625 Domb and Wood On high temperature expansions for the Heisenberg model Proc Phys Soc 86 Pt 1965 549 Edwards Burge Fannon Α Smith Α and Swales F-J 'Elastic and inelastic scattering of 50 MeV protons by Zn64 and Cd114 Rutherford High Energy Laboratory Progress Report 42-7 1964 Fisher and Stephenson Statistical mechanics of dimers on plane lattice II Dimer and monomer correlations Phys Rev 132 1963 1411 Fisher Μ and Kouvel 'On the detailed magnetic behaviour nickel near its Curie point Phys Rev 136A 1964 1626 Fisher Μ 'Specific heat of gas near the critical point Phys Rev 136A 1964 1599 'The free energy of mascroscopic system Arch Rail Mech Anal 17 1964 377
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