Calendar: 1966-1967 Page 42
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STAFF The dates shown after the names listed below indicate the year offirst joining the staff of the college Denotes Appointed Teachers in the University of London Denotes Recognised Teachers in the University of London Academic Staff Noble Peter Scott ll Principal 1952 Evans Rev Canon Sydney Hall Dean 1945 Ackroyd Rev Peter Runham th ph Samuel Davidson Professor of Old Testament Studies 1961 Allan Douglas West ph Reader in Mathematics 1964 Arkosy Miklos Assistant Librarian 1963 Arnstein Henry Rudolf Victor sc ph sc Professor of Biochemistry 1965 Arnold Alun Hugh Madoc ph eng eng Professor of Electrical Engineering 1955 Arthur Donald Ramsay sc ph sc biol Professor of Zoology 1948 Ashby Ronald Wdliam ph Lecturer in Philosophy 1959 Bailey Anita Irene sc ph Honorary Lecturer in Biophysics 1965 Baker Rosemary Anne sc Junior Lecturer in Physiology 1965 Beales Arthur Charles Frederick lit Professor of the History of Education 1932 Beckley Richard James Lecturer in German 1960 Bell Ernest Arthur sc ph Reader in Biochemistry 1953 Bent Ian David mus Assistant Lecturer in Music 1965 Birmingham Anthony Terence sc Lecturer in Pharma- cology 1961 Bishop Dame Joyce Supervising Tutor in Education 1963 Bond Brian James Lecturer in War Studies 1966 Bondi Hermann Professor of Mathematics 1954 Boussard Jean-Luc Lie en droit Assistant in French Law 1966 Boxer Charles Ralph hon litt et phil Camoens Professor of Portuguese 1947 Boyle Anthony John ll Lecturer in Law 1965 46
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