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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1966-1967-408

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Annual Report of the Delegacy lxxxiii Examination Results 2nd 125 Anatomy Physiology 39 Anatomy and Physiology Special Anatomy and Physiology Higher Degrees Sc Jean Pridham Effect of the sex hormones on the phago- cytic activity of the reticulo-endothelial system Ph Vernon-Roberts 'Hormone researches on the reticulo- endothelial system Departmental Notes Professor Nicol read paper at the meeting of the Reticulo- endothelial Society in New York and addressed various research laboratories in the United States He continued to lecture on Applied Anatomy at the Royal National Throat Hospital and St George's Hospital Dr Μ McMinn gave demonstration at the eighth interna- tional Anatomical Congress at Wiesbaden He also lectured to the Cowburn Club King's College Hospital on 'Cytology of repair in gastrointestinal mucosa' He was appointed by the Royal College of Surgeons of England as Examiner in Anatomy for the Licence in Dental Surgery Dr Bilbey who has been appointed Professor of Anatomy at the University of Toronto gave the opening address to the Congress of the Society of Chiropodists He was reappointed Examiner in Anatomy for the 1st Conjoint Examination and in Physiology and Medicine for the Society of Chiropodists Dr Charles who succeeds Dr Bilbey as Sub-Dean lectured to the Postgraduate Primary Fellowship course for Anaesthetists at the Royal Victoria Hospital East Grinstead and lectured and examined at the Chelsea School of Chiropody and St Mary's College Strawberry Hill
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