Calendar: 1965-1966 Page 426
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χ Annual Report of the Council pastoralia lectures and his own enthusiasm for parish ministry has helped to equip men for the practical work ahead of them The Councd is appreciative of and grateful for Mr Hacker's service The annual nine days participation in the life and work of parish was this year spent in the town of Brierley Hill in Staffordshire The St Boniface College Councd proposed and the Councd of King's College accepted the proposal that the hood previously awarded to members of the St Boniface Missionary College should be awarded to all King's College students who spent their final year of training at Warminster including those students who having faded the had in other ways satisfied the academic requirements for ordination together with such older men who had fulfdled their special course of training at Warminster More than eighty former students attended two conference-retreats in June At the Trinity ordination forty-four men were ordained priest and forty-eight made deacon UNIVERSITY DEGREES One postgraduate student obtained the Th degree and one the Ph degree In the Honours examination one man obtained ist Class Honours four men obtained 2nd Class Honours Upper Division five men and one woman obtained 2nd Class Honours Lower Division and three men and one woman obtained rd Class Honours In the examination ten men and one woman passed One intending postgraduate student passed the qualifying papers and is now per- mitted to proceed to an Th degree THE ASSOCIATESHIP In the Faculty of Theology the was awarded to thirty-seven students one first-class and three second-class distinctions were gained These figures do not include men who sat the examination To twenty-eight men who sat the in 1963 one first-class and seven second-class distinctions were awarded and eighteen were awarded pass by the Theological Professorial Board at its meeting in October 1963
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