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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-72

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76 General Information in term and vacation Except with the special permission of the Principal or for the purpose of an interview with member of the Academic Staff under- graduates are not allowed to enter or remain in the College buildings when the College is closed Postgraduate research students in the Faculties of Natural Science Medical Science and Engineering may make application to the Secretary through the Head of the Department concerned for authorisation to enter or remain in the College buildings at such times and for such periods as are considered necessary for the prosecution of their research Postgraduate students so authorised will be furnished with an appropriate permit which must be shown to the porter at the Gate upon entering and or leaving the College at times when the College is closed 28 Letters addressed to initials or fictitious names at the College are at once returned to the Post Office 29 The College accepts no responsibility for the loss of property not placed in the charge of the recognised Porters 30 No papers or merchandise may be sold within the College precincts without the authority of the Principal 31 All locker keys and keys giving access to Common Rooms and other rooms in the College which have been issued to students remain the property of the College and must in all cases be returned by students when leaving the College In no circumstances may duplicate keys be made by students or by tradesmen on behalf of students The College Library The College Library comprises nearly 250 000 volumes in all subjects taught in the College and is particularly strong in those subjects such as Ecclesiastical History Imperial History Modern Greek Portuguese Spanish Theology and War Studies for the teaching of which King's College has special responsibility within the University The General Library situated near the Chapel in the main building contains the catalogue of all books and periodicals in the College Library together with collection of bibliographical and other refer- ence works and selection of dictionaries and also the libraries in certain subjects new Library is planned but until this is com- pleted the libraries in most subjects will remain housed elsewhere in the College usually in close proximity to the faculties and departments they serve Hours of Opening The General Library is open in term from 30 until 45 on Mondays to Thursdays until 15 on Fridays and until 12 45 on Saturdays In vacation it is open from 30 until 30 on
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