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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-53

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Page content

Governing Bodies and Sta£ Head Clerk Tidnam Assistant Head Clerk Perryman Chief Clerks Hilda Balleinc Arts Faculty Eugene Cofman Medical Faculty Joanna Connell Classics Jean Duggin Science Faculty Senior Clerks Judith Barber Imperial History Jean Bishop Spanish Joan Castle Geography Lavinia Cruttenden Pharmacology Jean Duncanson Engineering Marian Esling French Robin Featherstone Geology Tessa Μ Grant Geography Lesley Harding Education Clerks Christine Clark Laws Patricia Connor Science Pauline Duffy Biophysics Ann Edmonds Physiology Wendy Everett Geology Engineering Rosemary Faulkner Laws Dilys Gwyn Thomas Zoology Rosemary Jackson English Shirley Liffcn Mathematics Roberts College Office Frances Tinner Education Joan Hood Biophysics Nellie Howarth Botany Sybil Paul Chemistry Pamela Μ Scarff Physics Maryjcan Stone German Pauline Tschan Chemistry June Walker History Joan Warren sc econ Anatomy Kathleen Whiteley Eccles History Julia Wreford Engineering Dennis Gates College Office Wendy Lawrence Physics Diana March Laws Margaret Pinkerton Old Testament Philos of Religion Marion Smith Biochemistry Sturt College Office Judith Walker Engineering Junior Clerk Parsons College Office
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