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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-46

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Governing Bodies and Staff 49 Lawrence George Richard Peter sc Lecturer in Geography 1962 Leage John Richard Planning Officer 1963 Leighton Frank Maurice Clerk of Works 1919 Lewis Donald Montague chir Lecturer in Physiology 1960 Lewis Hywel David litt hon Professor of History and Philosophy of Religion 1955 Lightowlers Edward Charles sc ph Lecturer in Physics 1961 Lindsay Peter Alexander sc enc ph Lecturer in Electrical En- gineering 1965 Lintott Andrew William ph Lecturer in Classics 1960 Lofmark Carl Johan Assistant Lecturer in German 1962 Loughridge James Michael Assistant Lecturer in German 1964 Lue Abraham Sck-Tong sc Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics 1962 Lyn Wei-Tzc ph sc Reader in Mechanical Engineering 1964 Macdonald-Ross Michael Inman Philip sc Assistant Lecturer in Zoology 1962 McClare Colin William Fraser ph Lecturer in Biophysics 1963 McMinn Robert Matthew Hay ph Reader in Anatomy 1960 McVittie Anne Carolyn Research Assistant in Biophysics 1963 Maguinness William Stuart Professor of Latin 1946 Mango Cyril doc d'univ Koraes Professor of Modern Greek 1963 Marshall Peter James phil Lecturer in History 1959 Martial Yves -es-l Assistant in French 1964 Mascall Rev Eric Lionel sc Professor of Historical Theology 1962 Mellows Anthony Roger ll ph Lecturer in Laws 1963 Melrose Mclvyn Peter sc ph Assistant Lecturer in Physics 1964 Mendel Dennis Reader in Physiology 1953 Metcalfe George ph Lecturer in Botany 1946 Meyer Helen Rosemary Assistant Librarian 1959 Michaels Mrs Naomi Elizabeth ll ph Lecturer in Laws 1960 Middleton John Christopher phil Lecturer in German 1955 Morris David Rowland sc ph chem Lecturer in Chemi- cal Engineering 1959 Morrison Charles Albert Lecturer in Laws 1954 Morton Peter Albert ll Lecturer in Laws 1962 Mottram Eric Noel William Lecturer in English American Literature 1960
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