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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-396

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Page content

Annual Report ci Carnegie Foundation Frank Cass and Co Ltd vols China Publishing Company Ciba Foundation vols Ciba Laboratories Ltd Commonwealth Department of Trade Copenhagen University Editors of' Daedalus' Danish Agricultural Producers Danish Institute for International Exchange 39 vols Department of Scientific and Industrial Research vols Dow Chemical Company vols Executive Committee for the Commemoration of the Fifth Centenary of the Death of Prince Henry the Navigator vols Exeter University Forestry Commission 23 vols George Fry and Associates Inc German Democratic Republic Glasgow University vols Goethe Institute Munich 51 vols High Commissioner for Canada 11 vols High Commissioner for New Zealand Hungarian People's Republic vols Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd vols Imperial College of Science and Technology vols Imperial War Museum Institute of Commonwealth Studies vols Institute of Economic Affairs Institute of Education Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures Institute of Historical Research Instituto de Alta Cultura Lisbon vols International Union of Crystallography International University Booksellers Ltd Italy Ministry of Public Works Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs King's College Department of Civil Engineering vols King's College Department of Geography vols King's College Lyell Club vols Leeds University vols Η Lewis Co Ltd vols Library School National Library Service Wellington New Zealand London University Central Research Funds Committee Manchester University Mathematical Association Ministry of Aviation vols Modern Language Association National Science Foundation
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