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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-391

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Page content

xcvi Animal Report Johnson 'The resting release of acetycholine from the guinea-pig ileum Brit Pharm Soc London January 1963 'The release of acetycholine from the guinea-pig ileum by hydroxy- tryptamine Brit Pharm Soc Dublin July 1963 MacBeth and Brownlee 'The response of the isolated human colon to autonomic drugs Brit Pharm Soc Dublin July 1963 Paterson Ά simple mechanical computer for relating the contractile responses of tissues Pharm Pharmacol 14 1962 825-7 'The dual action of adrenaline on skeletal muscle Proc Second Interna- tional Pharmacological Meeting Prague 1963 Wilson 'An adrenergic neurone blocking action of dimethylphenylpipcrazinium Brit Pharm Soc London January 1963 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY Buller 'Muscle spasm-some introductory remarks Symposium on skeletal muscle spasm Ward and Ward Leicester 1962 The motor unit in reflex actions Recent Advances in Physiology Churchill London 1963 'The nervous system in the control of movement Clinical Physiology Blackwell Oxford 1963 'The Achilles reflex Lancet 1963 443 'The effects of initial tension on the contraction characteristics of mam- malian fast and slow skeletal muscle Physiol 166 1963 31P D'Silva and Ferguson 'Zone electrophoresis of human parotid saliva in various media Arch oral Biol 1962 563-71 D'Silva Mendel and Wintcrton 'The effect of sympathomimetic amines on intramyocardial pressure in the rabbit Amer Physiol 205 1963 10-16 Hilton 'Changes in the motor reflexes produced by tenotomy Physiol 166 1963 241-50 'Effects of specific metabolic inhibitor on neuro-muscular transmission Physiol 167 1963 54-5P Lewis 'The tetanus-twitch ratios of mammalian fast and slow skeletal muscle Physiol 166 1963 32P
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