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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-384

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Page content

Annual Report lxxxix Domb Clerk Maxwell and Modern Science Athlonc Press London 1963 'Lattice dynamics Proc VIII International Conference on Low Temperature Physics Butterworths 1963 'Excluded volume effect for two and three dimensional lattice models Chem Phys 38 1963 3957-63 On one dimensional vibrating systems Proc Roy Soc In the press Domb and Miedma 'Transition points Contribution to 'Progress in low temperature physics IV Essam and Sykes 'The crystal statistics of the diamond lattice Physics 29 1963 378 Fisher Μ 'Relation between the specific heat and susceptibility on an antiferromag- net Phil Mag 1962 1731-43 Giles and Burge 'Scintillation of liquid argon produced by 10-50 MeV protons Rev sci Instr 34 1963 709 Isenberg and Domb Ά comparison of the thermodynamic properties and spectra of the and lattices International Conference on Lattice Dynamics Copenhagen 1963 Lightowlers 'Determination of submicrogram quantities of aluminium in natural diamonds by neutron analysis Anal Chcni 34 1962 1398 'Determination of submicrogram quantities of manganese sodium and copper in natural diamond by neutron activation analysis Altai Chem 35 1963 1285 Price Passmore and Roessler 'Ionization and dissociation energies of the hydrides and fluorides of the first row elements in relation to their electronic structures Discussions Faraday Soc 35 1963 201 'Ionization and dissociation energies of small radicals and molecules VII European Cong Mol Spectroscopy Budapest 1963 179 Price 'Infra-red emission spectra Infra-red Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure Elsevier Amsterdam 1963 441 'Potentials d'ionisation moleculaire determines spectroscopiquement Handbuch der Physique 27 1963 353 Sherman Wilkinson andjaxobson 'Infra-red spectroscopy at high pressures VII European Cong Mol Spec Budapest 1963 29
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