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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-381

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Page content

lxxxvi Annual Report Cadogaii and Inward 'Quantitative aspects of radical addition Part III Relative rate ratios for the addition of trichloromethyl radicals to substituted stilbenes phenan- threne and iraHS-P-methylstyrenc Client Soc 1962 4170 Capon and Rees Organic reaction mechanisms Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry 1962 59 207 Crombie 'Natural acctylcnic compounds Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Vol Ed by Ε Rodd Elsevier Publishing Co Organic Chemistry 1962 Encyclopaedia Britannica Book of the Year 1962 Crombie and Gold Organic Chemistry-Introduction Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry 1962 59 187 Crombie and Peace Structure of amorphigenin the aglyconc of the first natural rotenoid glycoside Proc Chem Soc 1963 246 Crombie and Whiting 'The constitution of neotenone and dolichone Biogenetic connections in the sub-family papilionatae Tetrahedron Letters 1962 801 'Structure of nepseudin trmiethoxyfuranoisoflavone Chem and Ltd 1962 1942 'The extractives of neorautanenia pseudopachyrrhiza The isolation and structure of new rotenoid and two new isoflavanones Client Soc 1963 1569 Dawson and Robertson 'Catalytic reaction of propylene on incandescent niobium Chem Physics 1963 38 280 Foster and Williams 'Aroyl peroxides Part The decomposition of benzoyl peroxide in alkylbenzenes Chem Soc 1962 2862 Gold Editor Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry Vol Academic Press Inc London and New York 1963 Gold 'The fractionation of hydrogen isotopes between hydrogen ions and water Proc Chem Soc 1963 141 Gold and Lowe Β 'The ionic product of deuterium oxide and its mixtures with protium oxide Proc Chem Soc 1963 140 Gold and Riley 'Aromatic Alkylation Part Alkylation by aliphatic alcohols in aqueous perchloric acid Chem Soc 1962 4183
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