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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-369

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lxxiv Annual Report DEPARTMENT OF PORTUGUESE Boxer The Dutch East-Indiam cn their sailors their navigators and life on board 1602-1795 The Mariner Mirror 4g pp 81-104 'Duas cartas ineditas de Joao de Barros quando Feitor da Casa da India 1534-35 Actas do Congresso International de historia dos descobrimentos 'Piet Heyn and the Silver Fleet 1628 History To-day June 1963 with Cummins 'The Dominican Mission in Japan and Lope de Vega 1602-22 Archivum Fratrum Praedicatortim XXXIII 1-88 'Quatro Palavras acerca da palavra Quatro Iberida Revista de Filologia No 35-8 Various articles in the Dicionario de Historia de Portugal and reviews in British and foreign historical periodicals Rcbelo de Preface to the Portuguese translation of Angus Wilson's Middle Age of Mrs Eliot with an essay on the author's work 35 pp Lisbon 1963 Re-issue with introduction to the work of William Faulkner 45 pp of Portuguese translation of The Old Man Portugalia Editora Lisbon 1963 Review of Revah La Censure Inquisitoriale Portugaise au XVIe siecle Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 39 244-6 Liverpool 1962 Various articles on Portuguese and English contemporary literature in CoUquio Nos 17 and 19 1962 No 22 1963 Tavola Redonda and Esfera 100 articles on English literature for the Luso-Brazilian edition of the inter- national encyclopaedia Focus Published in fascicules Sa da Costa Lisbon Editor of Portuguese translation of the works of Shakespeare being pub- lished in fascicules by Editorial Scarpa Lisbon Latest edition Anthony and Cleopatra DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH Cummins in collaboration with Boxer 'The Dominican Mission in Japan 1602-1622 and Lope de Vega Archi- 1'iwi Fratrum Praedicatorum XXXIII 1963 Reviews in The Times Literary Supplement of the Royal Asiatic Society and Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Parker 'Towards definition of Caldcronian tragedy Bulletin of Hispanic Studies XXXIX 1962 The Humour of Spanish Proverbs Hispanic Council Diamante No 13 Thompson Jennifer 'The structure of Cervantes's Las dos doncellas Bulletin of Hispanic Studies XL 1963
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