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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-367

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lxxii Annual Report Graham Ilse 'Minds without medium Reflections on "Emilia Galotti" and Wcrtlicrs Leiden" Euphorion Band 56 1962 'Gotz von Berlichingen's Right Hand German Life and Letters XVI Special number presented to Edna Purdie April July 1963 Middleton 'Bolshevism in Art Dada and Politics The University of Texas Studies in Literature and Language IV no Autumn 1962 Reviews in German Life and Letters The Times Literary Supplement The Guardian The New Statesman Norman 'Eleanor of Poitou in the twelfth-century German lyric' German Life and Letters XVI Special number presented to Edna Purdie April July 1963 'Das Lied vom alten Hildebrand Studi Germanici Rome 1963 Editor Hofmannsthal Studies in Commemoration Reviews in German Life and Letters Euphorion Editor London Mediaeval Studies Mcthuen's Old English Library and Euphorion On the editorial board of Angiia The Slavonic and East European Review and Gcrmanisitk department of history Brown English Castles Batsford Paperback 1962 Edited' Early charters of Sibton Abbey Suffolk In Medieval Miscellany for Stenton Pipe Roll Society New Series XXXVI 1962 with Colvin Η General Editor and Taylor The History of the King's Works land II 'The Middle Ages 1963 Review in Medieval Archaeology Dickens 'The writers of Tudor Yorkshire Trans of the Royal Historical Society 5th scries XIII 49-76 1963 Review in of Ecclesiastical History Duggan 'English Canonists and the Appendix Concilii Latcranensis with an analysis of St John's College Cambridge MS 148 Bulletin of the Institute of Research and Study in Medieval Canon Law in Traditio Fordham Univer- sity Press XVIII 459-68 1962 Twelfth-Century Deaetal Collections and their Importance in English History University of London Historical Studies CII Athlone Press 1963 Reviews in of Ecclesiastical History and History Flint Chapters in History of East Africa ed Oliver and Matthew Ox- ford 1963
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