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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-355

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lx Annual Report DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Number of Students 245 Occasional Sc Special Physiology Total 255 Results of Examinations For Second results see under Department of Anatomy for sc Special Physiology see under Department of Physiology Higher Degrees Ph Foster 'Studies on the mode of action of sympathomi- metic drugs with the guinea-pig isolated tracheal muscle Ph Harry 'The site of action of physiologically active sub- stances on the isolated intestine Departmental Notes Professor Brownlee gave the Todd Lecture in the University of Glasgow on 'The toxicity of drugs He addressed the Royal Society of Medicine on 'Outmoded toxic drugs Professor Brownlee Dr Wilson and Dr Birmingham again shared the duties of honorary lecturers in the course on Applied Pharmacology at King's College Hospital Medical School and at Westminster Medical School Dr Paterson assisted with the Inte- gration Course at King's College Hospital Professor Brownlee and Mr Williams investigated the potentia- tion of the action of centrally acting drugs by mono-amine oxidase inhibitors Professor Brownlee Mr Johnson Mr Carlyle and Mr Tweeddale concerned themselves with the mechanism by which tone in smooth muscle is produced and maintained and the relation of this and the release of neurohumoral transmitters Other research interests of the department were the modification of sympathetic nervous activity Dr Birmingham and Dr Wilson the actions of sympathomimetic amines on skeletal muscle and intraocular
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