Calendar: 1964-1965 Page 322
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Annual Report xxvii with Distinction Miss Janet Bcws 'Some uses of archaism and archaic Latin poetry in the Aeneid Naughton 'Propertius' use of mythology and legend Departmental Notes Professor Maguinness lectured to the City of London School on 'Richard Bentley' and to the University of Lille on 'L'Inspiration tragique de I'Eneide He was guest of the Association Guillaume Bude at its quinquennial congress at Aix-en-Provence where he was President de Commission and gave Communication entitled 'Petit plaidoyer pour la poesie trochaique He represented the Classical Association at the Assemblee generate of the International Federation of Classical Studies in Paris Professor Winnington-Ingram lectured to the Cambridge Herodoteans on 'The Mytilenaean Debate' to the Westfield College Classical Society and to the Wolverhampton Schools Classical Club on 'Greek Music' Professor Η Scullard lectured to the Bedford Classical and His- torical Societies Dr Gossage gave course of eight Intercollegiate Lectures on Statius In the Lent term the Classical Society gave several performances which were well attended of the Electra of Euripides in Greek department of english Number of Students General and Subsidiary 31 Honours 95 Postgraduate 32 Total 158 F1r fi Degrees Honours 1st Class 2nd Class Upper Division 13 2nd Class Lower Division 14 rd Class
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