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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-319

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xxiv Annual Report Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd Physics department £200 towards research in spectroscopy The Industrial Diamond Research Laboratory Johannesburg Physics de- partment diamonds for Professor Champion's research and £500 to- wards research on diamond physics The Institute of Petroleum Physics department £750 towards re- search in spectroscopy The Leverhulme Trust Fund increased from £500 to £650 per annum their postgraduate studentship in Chemical Engineering Mr Lissauer copy of an eighteenth century print of the College The Medical Research Council Physiology department £2 455 to- wards research on the functional significance of differences between mammalian fast and slow skeletal muscle and the renewal of Dr Hilton's £200 per annum research grant with £924 for apparatus Zoology department renewal of grant for the development of tritium- labelling cytochemistry of enzymes The Government of Mauritius Faculty of Laws £225 for the purchase of books on French law The National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science Physics depart- ment £1 100 towards the services of technician for Dr Burge Collection made by the newspaper The People Physiology depart- ment £565 for research on muscular dystrophy The Rockefeller Foundation Biophysics department £21 000 towards the cost of equipment in the new building in Drury Lane The Royal Society Botany department £990 towards Dr Sutcliffe's research Shell Research Ltd Chemistry department £600 for work under Dr Robertson on field ionization mass spectrometry Unilever Ltd Chemistry department £110 towards repair of appara- tus The United States Department of Health Education and Welfare Bio- physics department 32 550 dollars for the purchase of high-resolution electron microscope for research by Dr Hanson and Dr Lowy The United States Air Force Chemistry department £2 400 renewal of grant for Dr Gold's research The Wellcome Trustees Zoology department £1 630 to purchase Perkin-Elmer recording spectrophotometer for use in Dr Barnard's re- search on enzyme active centres
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