Calendar: 1964-1965 Page 318
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Page content
Annual Report xxiii acids and grant towards the purchase of gas chromatograph Zoology department £1 286 towards an investigation of the active centre of yeast hexokinase Abbott Laboratories of Chicago Chemistry department 500 dollars towards research by Dr Rees The British Empire Cancer Campaign Chemistry department £1 260 towards Dr Rees's research Ltd Mechanical Engineering department 2-2 litre four- cylinder high-speed diesel engine The Cadbury Trust War Studies department £1 000 towards dis- armament research studentships The Central Research Fund University of London Biochemistry de- partmcnt grant towards the purchase of gas chromatograph Physiology department £386 towards Dr Buller's research Cerebos Ltd Powder Technology £500 for three years for post- graduate scholarship The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Chemistry de- partment £200 for research in field ionization mass spectrometry £3 750 and supplementary £275 towards investigations on infra-red spectroscopy on the cesium bromide region by Dr Beattie £2 000 for research in low-temperature structural studies of antimony trihalide complexes and £1 600 towards Dr Gold's spectrophotometric investi- gation of reaction kinetics in solution Electrical Engineering depart- ment £4 080 and supplementary £330 in aid of research in tooth ripple phenomena in alternators Geology department £7 181 for re- search in mineralogical and geochemical studies in Donegal granite Physics department £3 500 to support the participation of Dr Chap- man's research group in the study of the ionosphere during the Inter- national Quiet Sun Year £2 788 for research in neutron activation analysis of impurities in diamond and supplementary £300 in aid of Professor Price's investigation on the application of electron spin resonance to variety of problems The Diamond Research Committee Physics department £250 to- wards Professor Champion's research on counting-diamonds Geuatosan Ltd Physiology department £100 towards research The General Electric Co of America Physics department variety of diamonds for use by Professor Champion's research group Under the Will of the late Mr Hales the College received the portrait in oils of his father John Wesley Hales Professor of Eng- lish Language and Literature at King's College from 1877 to 1903 a3
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