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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-316

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Annual Report xxi made to enable this work to be completed before the Enk library can be housed in its permanent home in the first stage of rebuilding the Library Meanwhile the collection is in the bookcases in the Great Hall which the Library had evacuated only few months previously to per- mit their removal to improve the amenities of the Hall To the foregoing figures for acquisitions out of current income and for Professor Enk's library must be added 171 volumes and 156 pam- phlets gratefully received by gift or bequest bringing the accessions for the year up to the remarkable total of 17 755 volumes and 507 pamphlets The full list of donors is given in Appendix but it is appropriate to make special mention here of the gift by his widow of 62 volumes of theology from the library of the late Bishop Bell of Chichester collection of 44 volumes in theology received by be- quest from the late Reverend Pollard the gift by Mrs Griffiths of 48 volumes mainly in Spanish literature in memory of her daughter Sheila who died in 1957 whilst student of the College the gift of 51 volumes in German studies from the Goethe Institute in Munich the gift by the Goldsmiths' Librarian of copy of the first volume of Gesta Dei per Francos edited by Jacques Bongars 1611 which formerly be- longed to Robert Southey and further gift by Mr Aaron Krolenbaum BiblicaHebraica 1701 Compendium Biblicum by Johannes Leusden 1680 and Compendium Lexici Hebraic compiled by Antonius Hulsius 1679 The persistence with which substantial minority of students ig- nores the rules requiring the return of Library books at the beginning and end of each term thus denying their use to other students has led the Library Committee reluctantly to institute the levy of fines for books not returned at the proper time It is hoped that this will ensure that the books in greatest demand will be more freely available to all entitled to consult them An important development described in of last year's Report was the setting up within the College Library of Centre for Military Archives to be administered by body of Trustees consisting of senior members of the College together with General Sir Ronald Adam Sir James Butler and Dr Frankland The first gift to the Centre has come from Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Albert Stern member of the Dele- gacy who has generously presented his own papers dealing with the development of the armoured fighting vehicle during the two world wars and promises of further material have been received from senior officers who have been approached in anticipation of the formal in- auguration of the Centre next session
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