Calendar: 1964-1965 Page 298
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UNIVERSITY OF LONDON KING'S COLLEGE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DELEGACY FOR THE SESSION 1962-63 Presented to the Court and the Senate of the University of London A-GENERAL REPORT the delegacy The Delegacy received with much regret the resignation of Sir Charles Jeffries and thanked him for the many services he had rendered to the College since his first appointment to the Delegacy in 1945 The following new appointment to the Delegacy was made by the Senate in the course of the session Professor Sir John Randall ap- pointed from December 1962 to represent the Professorial Board in place of Professor Bennet-Clark resigned The Hon Sir Arthur Howard was re-elected Chair- man and Sir Angus Gillan was re-elected Vice-Chair- man and Treasurer changes in the staff Retirements Faculties of Arts and Science Mrs Murray Lecturer in Educa- tion Resignations Faculty of Arts Mr Fison and Dr Seymour Assistant Lecturers in English Dr Weightman Lecturer in French Pro- fessor Parker Cervantes Professor of Spanish Faculty of Laws Mr Farrand Lecturer Miss -M Cockram Assistant Lecturer as from December 31st 1962 Faculties of Arts and Science Dr Bird Lecturer in Geography Faculty of Natural Science Dr Burge Reader and Dr Silvester Assistant Lecturer in Biophysics Dr Barton Lecturer and
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