Calendar: 1964-1965 Page 293
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312 Index of Names Rogers Η 206 Rosa 221 Rose Η 33 35 38 51 124 125 225 226 Rose Rev 181 Rose 200 201 Rosenblat 38 51 112 192 193 Rosenheim 220 Roseveare 36 51 97 197 Rosevere 225 Ross 31 32 35 38 51 124 225 226 Ross Sir 202 Rosswick 217 Routh Η 194 Row 215 216 Rowland 58 Rowland Miss 57 Rowlands 219 Rowles Miss 55 Roxburgh 51 112 193 19 Roy 51 97 197 Royle 220 Russell 193 Russell 195 Russell 57 Russell-Wells Miss 215 Ruston 193 Rutherford 220 Rymer Τ 209 Sack 219 Saffman 192 Sage 36 51 98 202 St Albans The Rt Rev The Lord Bishop of 39 St John-Stevas 206 St Paul's The Very Rev The Dean of 39 40 181 185 188 190 198 199 see also Matthews Rev Salazar 51 98 203 Salisbury The Rt Rev The Lord Bishop of 40 Salmon Α 199 Salmon 211 Salmon Miss 214 215 Salter Η 218 Sampson Α 193 Sankey Mrs 214 Sasse 201 Satchell 38 51 III 211 212 Saurat 199 Savage 217 Savage 212 Scarff Miss Μ 56 Schiiz 51 96 Schwartz 214 215 Schwartz 228 Schwartz 51 96 Scott 192 193 Scott 201 Scullard 33 36 51 93 97 192 Sedgefield 222 Seed Η 226 Seeds 209 Seeley 198 Sellers Rev 185 Semple 32 34 35 36 38 51 112 192 Sewell Α 217 Seymour 196 Shadrake 51 57 184 Sharpe 57 Shaw 221 Shaw 36 42 51 55 85 89 97 183 190 197 Shaw 55 Shaw Miss Μ 216 Shaw 195 Shawcross 227 Shaxby 224 Sheard Α 34 36 51 94 94 95 Shears 199 Shemilt 219 Sheriff Miss McK 193 Sherman 51 113 208 209 210 Sherwood 58 Shields Rev 182 Shore Miss Α 222 Shovelton 183 193 Showan 204 Shuttleworth Rev 188 Sibly 213 Sidaway Miss Μ 222 Sikes 220 222 Silvester 210 Simon 218 Simon Rev 35 41 51 129 130 186 Simpson The Rt Rev 40 Simpson 212 Singlehurst-Ward 211 226 Sinnatt 224 Skeat 40 89 Sleigh 195 Smalley 207 Smart 189 Smeed 201 Smetham 198 213 Smiles 210 Smith Α Α 51 125 226 Smith Miss 219 Smith 209 Smith Α 224 Smith 214 Smith Α 51 113 Smith 221 Smith Miss 214 Smith Α 219 Smith Rev 189 Smith 51 95 200 Smith Rev 187 Smith 211 Smith Η 204 Smith 183 Smith 209 Smith 201 Smith Miss 56 Smith 51 97 197 Smith Rev 190 Smith 191 Smith Rev 186 Smith 183 Smithers 195 Smyth 58 Snell 217 Sodeau 213 Souter Miss 222 Southwark Rt Rev The Lord Bishop of 39 Spalding 183 198 199 Spark 193 Spearing 214 215 Spencer no Spencer 51 J21 223 Spencer 196 Spiers 221 Spiers 199 Spink 199 Spratt Miss 215 Spriggs 51 121 223 Spurrier 205 Stables 52 95 200 Stack 219 Stamp 213 Stancliffe Rev Canon
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