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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1964-1965-290

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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Index of Names 309 Kirkaldy 211 212 213 Kitson Ε 205 206 Kitson Clark 190 Klein 209 Klibansky 196 Kneebone 194 Knibb Μ Α 48 129 186 Knight Miss 191 Knight Miss 201 Knight The Very Rev 39 Knight 194 Knight Rev 187 Knipe 217 Knowling Rev 182 186 187 Knox 220 221 Kreutz 201 Kronfli 48 112 193 Kyriakides 202 Lafourcade 199 Laird 48 112 193 Laistner 192 Lake 218 Lamb 184 Lampe Rev 190 Landers 36 48 89 93 95 199 200 Lane 202 Last Rev 182 187 Latham 196 197 Latham Τ 206 Latter 218 Latter Miss 214 215 Laughton Sir 196 Lawrence 48 95 198 Lawrence Miss 56 Laws 208 Leach 221 223 Leage 48 55 183 Leathes Rev 185 Le Cun Miss 200 Lee 227 Lee 218 Lee Miss 195 Lee Miss 109 Leers Miss 200 Lees 193 Legg Rev 182 186 187 Leggett Μ Α 192 Leighton 48 57 Leitao Α Α 202 Lelaidier 200 le Maitre 213 Lempka 58 Leonard 35 le Quesne 206 Leris 203 Lester 183 Leuliette 200 Levett Miss 182 196 Levi Α 212 Levi 206 Lewis 221 Lewis 48 121 221 Lewis Ε Α 196 Lewis 33 36 41 48 129 188 Lidgett Rev S- 190 Liffen Miss 56 Lightowlers 48 113 208 210 Lilley 194 Lindsay Α 49 125 227 Linton 198 213 Lintott 49 93 191 192 Little 209 Lobban 224 225 Locke 220 Lofmark 49 96 201 London Miss 201 London The Rt Rev The Lord Bishop of 39 190 Longman Α 192 Longuet-Higgins 207 Lonsdale Rev 181 Lonsdale 191 Lord Chancellor The Rt Hon The 289 Loring Ε Α 58 Lorscheid Miss 201 Lott 202 Loughridge 49 96 201 Loukes 227 Low 191 Low 196 197 Lowy no Lue S-T 49 112 194 Lund 217 Lyell 213 Lyle 215 220 222 Lyn W-T 38 49 226 Μ Maass in Macadam Sir 31 32 40 McCarthy Ε 221 McCaul Rev 185 186 187 189 McClarc 49 109 210 Maclay 219 McClelland 211 212 MacDonald-Ross Μ 49 113 216 McDougall 218 McDowall 54 220 M'Ewen Miss Μ 208 McHardy Rev 186 Mcllraith 205 Mclnnes O'H 201 Mack Miss 195 Mackarness Rev 187 188 MacKay Mac 208 209 McKay 201 McKay 212 Mackay 205 McKechnie Miss Μ McL 200 McKelvie 218 MacKenzie 219 McKeown 219 McKerrow 195 Mackie 193 Mackinnon 215 Mackinnon 217 219 McLellan 219 MacLeod 219 McMahon 226 McMinn Μ 38 49 120 217 McMullen no MacNab 219 MacPhail Α 217 McVittie Miss 49 109 210 McVittie 192 Magill 201 Maguinness 32 35 49 93 191 Mahood Miss Μ 195 Mainland 201 Male Miss Α no Mandeville Rev Μ 189 190 Mango 33 35 36 49 97 201 Manning 197 Manton Miss 215 216 March Miss 56 March Rev 185 Margoliouth Η 195 Mariette Α 99
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